Dual wake clock radio with SmartSnooze and 1.4 inch display


  • Large 1.4 inch green LED display

  • Audio line in for MP3 player connectivity
  • LED display will activate full brightness if bright or dim light if environment is dark
  • SmartSnooze function, all buttons act as snooze button when alarm is sounding
  • Individual wake time indicators show two different alarm settings for two different users


Never accidentally turn on the radio trying to hit the snooze button. When the alarm goes off, every button is the snooze button with SmartSnooze technology.

Features (continued)
  • Programmable snooze allows for an extra 9 minutes of sleep or can be programmed for 1 to 30 minutes
  • Sleep mode plays the radio for up to 2 hours before automatically turning off the radio
  • Programmable nap function allows the user to set for 10 minute increments up to 2 hours of naptime
  • Choice of waking up to the alarm or to a favorite radio station